We all know there were Philistines back then. They were in today's Israel around 3,000 years ago (1,200 - 600 BCE). This fact was known also to Hadrian (Latin: Caesar Traianus Hadrianus) the Roman Emperor from 117 to 138 CE.
Hadrian had to deal with Bar Kochba revolt (132-136 CE) and after he was done with that, he decided he was done with these Jews all together. Hadrian decided to execute an historical erasure policy and to remove any kind of memory and connection of the Jews to the land.
So, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina, the Jews were not alloed to get even near the city and among other changes Hadrian made, he chnaged the name of the land from Judea, or Israel to Palestine.
Since than the title Palestine was used in different kind of forms, such as: Palaestina Tertia by the Byzantine (324-638 CE), Joond Falestin during the Early Islamic Period (638-1099) and so on.
Yada yada yada when Britain officially received the mandate (1923) the name Palestine was already deeply tattooed. Hoy, Hadrian, what did you do?
Questions? insights? remarks? feel free, I'm here.
Photo: The front page of the Mandate for Palestine and Transjordan memorandum, presented to UK Parliament in December 1922, prior to it coming into force in 1923