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Education in a diverse society in a changing reality
Is it possible to preserve the traditions of minority groups without creating a feeling of fear among the majority groups?
Is it possible to create a healthy balance between the concept of multiculturalism and the desire to preserve the cultural characteristics of a society?
What is the profit that can be made from a Society with changing and diverse cultural characteristics and what are the prices?
A meeting with Arab educators and a conversation about educational, social and other dilemmas
Contrary to what many people think, the Israeli education model that allows the Arab minority in Israel to learn in their mother tongue, by Arab educators, is a positive example in the world of minority treatment. However, the Arab education system belongs to the Ministry of Education of the State of Israel, the curriculum is determined by the Ministry of Education and supervised by it.
Despite the positive aspect of studying in the mother tongue, Arab school graduates finish 12 years of study with their level of Hebrew lower by a huge gap than Jewish high school graduates. This is reflected in the ability to pass job interviews, admission to studies and success in them.
The Jewish nation-state poses many challenges regarding the issues of the Jewish majority versus the Arab minority in the country, in the education system these challenges are expressed in various forms and raise moral, value and even organizational and technical dilemmas for the educators and decision makers.
On this tour we will meet with Arab educators, visit Arab schools and education departments in Arab local councils. We will try to understand what are the main dilemmas and challenges they face and what are the ways in which they deal with these challenges.

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